Food review: Granola with fruit salad and yogurt ~ Food review blog: I Food U Food

Food review blog from San Francisco.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Food review: Granola with fruit salad and yogurt

Rex Cafe (San Francisco)
Food description: Granola with mixed fruit salad and yogurt
Food rating: 7 out of 10
Times ordered: 1

In a futile attempt to be healthier after a lifetime of consuming bacon on a semi hourly basis I decided to try out a breakfast option at Rex Cafe that didn't involve something fried or smothered in whipped cream. Overall, I was pretty happy with my breakfast. The granola was good and had a pleasing texture, not too hard and not too mushy, I don't like it when my granola makes my jaw hurt just chewing it. Hey, I might want to be healthier but that doesn't mean I want to give my jaw a marathon workout. If I could chew granola with my love handles then I'd be all for hard baked granola. But alas, since I can't, I prefer mine soft baked. Since it is the dead of winter, I was expecting the fruit to either be flavorless or sour but was pleased to find the fruit tasting fresh and sweet. The fruit variety consisted of strawberries, honeydew, mangoes, kiwis, raspberries, grapes and bananas. The yogurt could have been better, I've had some truly divine yogurts and this one was just flavorless and purely there to act as creamy binding agent for the fruit and granola. I finished the whole thing and didn't even feel the urge to steal the bacon off my boyfriends plate. So overall, I would definitely order this again.

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