Announcement: Foodzilla's fabulous new diet ~ Food review blog: I Food U Food

Food review blog from San Francisco.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Announcement: Foodzilla's fabulous new diet

The Get Mo' corner store
Food description: Food that can be consumed through a straw, requires no teeth, and eases horse pill consumption
Food rating: It is what it is

To eat properly, and to run a food blog, one must have teeth, no? Well after just having my pesky wisdom teeth taken out, today I start my new 5-star diet consisting of hearty processed food and delicious liquid consumables procured from the friendly ghetto corner store. The real pain of this whole ordeal is hardly physical. The sheer deprivation from food, my raison d'etre, is enough to drive me loco (though the Vicodin makes for a nice distraction). So in my next few days of absentia from real food, I'll be fantasizing about steaks and chocolate mousse, while living jealously and vicariously through the foodventures of my fellow I Food U Food bloggers FoodKong and Cathy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha, this reminded me of the scene in Microserfs with the flat foods. Hope you're feeling better! You'll be back to delicious solids soon I'm sure.