Food review: Corned beef sandwich ~ Food review blog: I Food U Food

Food review blog from San Francisco.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Food review: Corned beef sandwich

Moishe's Pippic (San Francisco)
Food description: Hot corned beef sandwich on rye bread with spicy brown deli mustard and deli pickle
Food rating: 6.5 out of 10
Times ordered: 1

After being impressed by their pastrami, I put Moishe's corned beef to the test, as promised. The result? Good corned beef, as far as corned beef goes, but not nearly as tasty as the pastrami. The meat had flavor, but it was oh-so-boring and really relied on the mustard to help it do its job. The texture of the meat, however, was much much better than the pastrami, totally tender and no tough gristle to chew through. Very surprising, considering they are both made from the same brisket cut. I don't know, perhaps they are overcooking the pastrami or something? A simple mashup would solve everything: combining the texture of the corned beef with the flavor of the pastrami to create the Ultra Super Pastrami Deluxe. Oh yeah, wasn't I supposed to be talking about the corned beef? Well, there's not really much else to say, because why would I order this again when the pastrami was clearly better? Nuff said!! Oh actually, I heard they've got amazing beef brisket on Fridays only, so stay tuned for chapter 3...

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