Food review: Maguro sashimi (red tuna) ~ Food review blog: I Food U Food

Food review blog from San Francisco.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Food review: Maguro sashimi (red tuna)

Sushi Time (San Francisco)
Food description: Raw slices of red tuna sashimi
Food rating: 2 out of 10
Times ordered: 1

(Pardon me while I go off for a sec) This maguro had no business being anywhere near my stomach nor any kitchen nor any restaurant! I actually told the host on my way out my sentiments toward this barely edible dish. He blamed it on the fact that it was a sashimi cut rather than a sushi cut--but trust me--I've had enough sashimi in my life to know which cuts are just inappropriate to serve. (Ok, done ranting). But I think you get the picture. There were two major issues that prevented me from eating more than a few bites. First, you can tell just from looking at it that there's huge pieces of tendon cutting through each piece. You'd need a chainsaw for teeth in order to chew through that stuff, and I should've sent it back (I normally would have). The second issue was that half of each piece was discolored (see photo again), which meant it was getting old and tasted fishy. The shiro maguro sashimi also suffered from this problem, which is a bad sign for a sushi place when two of the fish you ordered are not fresh. This is a big problem and makes me think twice about coming back to this restaurant again. It's a shame because I thought some of their other fish was so good.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you were served such poor slices of maguro. There's really no excuse for serving stuff like this, but at least you enjoyed some of the other dishes.

Thanks for your useful reviews here. If I'm thinking of the right place, this restaurant has gotten pretty crazy high Yelp reviews, which seemed a little too good to be true. Your write-up is more detailed and strikes me as being much more realistic.

FoodKong said...

Thanks for the feedback, we also use Yelp to check up on restaurants before / after we go... and notice there is a void in the descriptiveness of many of the reviews. Glad we could fill that void for you!
