Food review: Fried oysters ~ Food review blog: I Food U Food

Food review blog from San Francisco.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Food review: Fried oysters

Coco500 (San Francisco)
Food description: Fried pacific oysters with corneal breading served with remoulade sauce
Food rating: 7.5 out of 10
Times ordered: 1

To me, doing anything to an oyster that precludes it from being raw is sacrilege! To remind myself of this, I'll occasionally order a fried oyster or two, as was the case here. I was actually really impressed with the fried oysters at Coco500. However, the flavor was still slightly metallic, as with all fried oysters (which is why I like 'em raw), but they definitely redeemed fried oysters in my mind. The breading was so paper thin, you could see and taste the oyster in all its glory. Its sole purpose was to add some texture to contrast the plump succulence of the oyster. The oyster was artfully fried in a way that maintained its juiciness while being gently crisp on the outside--an aspect that can be rather difficult to achieve. I don't eat mayonnaise, so the remoulade sauce was a no-go, but a quick squeeze of lemon and a dash of salt was all that it needed to satisfy me. The rest of my party was so impressed that they immediately demanded another order from the waiter. I don't know why, because if you think about it--$10 for four fried no-name oysters ($2.50/piece)--ain't really worth it. Even the most premium raw oysters around cost less than this (and at least you know where they come from). So all in all, they were very good as far as fried oysters go, but can't touch don't come close to raw oysters in taste or value.

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